Seasons Puns

These seasonal puns will blow your socks off!

Seasons Puns

Why is spring a great time to start a gardening business?
Because it’s the season when you can really rake in the cash.
At the baking competition in October, the chef said that he had eyes on the pies!
What’s the difference between spring rolls and summer rolls?
What’s the difference between a Christmas alphabet and the regular alphabet?
The Christmas alphabet has Noel.
Autumn is full of pumpkins, it is a gourd-geous time of the year.
What do Snowmen call their offspring?
Which country do sheep go on vacation? The Baaa-hamas.
I have a serious love-heat relationship with summer.
Have you heard of the martial artists who fought on the beach?
They faced off in sand-to-sand combat.
What’s Irish and comes out in the spring?
Paddy O’Furniture.
What do you call a dollar bill frozen in ice?
Cold, hard cash!
As autumn came, the leaves started greeting each other by saying, "Hay there!"
I hate spring cleaning.
Darn things bounce all over the place.
How do Eskimos make their beds?
With sheets of ice and blankets of snow.
Why did you act like that at Thanksgiving dinner? I yam what I yam.
Autumn brings re-leaf from the heat.
I usually prefer cold weather, but only to a certain degree.
Snow joke, the weather is horrible today!
Why did the detectives suddenly appear at the concert at the beach?
Something fishy was going on.
For his birthday, the snowman wants a cake with lots of icing on it.
Have you ever wondered why gulls are known as seagulls? It is because they are by the sea. Had they been by the bay, they would have been called bagels.
Don't get tide down this summer. 'Tis the season for having fun.
Winter is un-brr-lieveable!
I snuggle to get through these winter days.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall — hope you do too!
What do you say when you are happy with how life has been weeks before Easter? It’s so far been an egg-cellent spring.
Feeling cold? Go stand in the corner. It’s 90 degrees.
Why do birds fly south in the fall?
Because it’s too far to walk.
This autumn, the garden told the mower to leaf him alone in peace.
Why didn't the snowman go to the party?
He had snowone to go with!
If you're alone and get too cold, you might become ice-olated.
Make your own decisions this summer, don’t give in to pier pressure.
Fall makes me g-leaf-full!
What does Cinderella usually wear at the beach?
Glass flippers!
Girls just wanna have sun!
This vacation has been sand-sational!
Fall is a-maize-ing.
What can you find in the middle of April and March but not at the beginning or end of either?
The letter R!
Variety is the ice of life.
What did the pig say on a hot summer’s day?
I’m bacon!
What’s the difference between an iceberg and a clothes brush?
One crushes boats and the other brushes coats!
It is October and there are still leaves on trees. I am very corn-fused!
Why does Foghorn Leghorn take it slow when April rolls around?
Because he’s no spring chicken!
What is the shortest month of the year?
What do you get when someone stares coldly at you?
Glare ice.
Witch fall flavor is your favorite?
It’s a winterful day!
Fall arrives, and all hell bakes loose.
The aspiring comedian has an unbe-leaf-able collection of autumn jokes, but they are all falling flat.
Why is winter the least popular time of year for a wedding?
Because the grooms always get cold feet!