Science Pick Up Lines

These funny science pick up lines are so funny and terrible they may just work!

Science Pick Up Lines

To me, you’re just like hydrogen because you’re number 1!
Are you a carbon sample? Because I want to date you.
If you were a laser, you'd be set on stunning.
Anaerobic respiration reminds me of how you take my breath away.
Hey, want to get together sometime since we both have unpaired electrons?
Your body must be made of oxygen and neon because you are the ONe.
Do you want to share some valence electrons? This way, we can have a stable relationship.
Are you a centripetal force? Because you make my world go round.
I feel an attraction between the two of us that is more than just our physical gravitation.
Yo baby, you want to see me solve a quadratic?
Without you, I’m like a null set… Empty.
Give me just a FRACTION of your heart and I will SOLVE all of your problems.
If you were a dynamically allocated variable in a C++ program, you'd create a leak. Because I'd never delete you from my life.
Hey baby, are you the Earth? Because all things are attracted to you...
I=f(U), I can't function without you.
You must be mitochondria because you are the powerhouse of my heart.
The fact is your refractive index is greater than 2.42. That means you shine brighter than a diamond!
Just like a blue supergiant star, you’re exceedingly hot and extremely bright.
Do you live on Mars? ‘Cause, you look out of this world.
If we are both math majors, then why is there so much chemistry between us?
All I want is to fill that vacuum in your heart.
Your body has the nicest arc length I have ever seen.
Are you a singularity? Not only are you attractive, but the closer I get to you, the faster time seems to slip by.
You must be a fossil because I would love to date you.
The two of us go perfectly together like hydrogen and oxygen.
You're embarrassed by my dense pickup lines? OK, I won't continuum. I'll be more discrete.
Are you p>0.5, because I’d never reject you.
I want to stick to you like glucose.
Why don’t we use some Fourier analysis on our relationship and reduce to a series of simple periodic functions?
Sedimentary rock has got nothing on the many layers of your amazing personality.
Shouldn’t we be carbon dating right now? Let’s get on with it.
Even if I was T-Rex, I would find a way to hug you.
I can figure out the square root of any number in less than 10 seconds. What? You don’t believe me? Well, then, let’s try it with your phone number.
You must be phylum because you seem to be above class.
Did your parents work on The Manhattan Project? Because you’re the bomb!
I’m a 30-60-90 triangle and you’re a 40-40-90 triangle – we’re just right for each other.
I want to stick to you like cyanoacrylate.
You must be a 90º angle. ‘Cause, you’re looking right!
I have successfully managed to synthesize a protein that makes two people fall in love. Do you want to try it?
Hey girl… Can I call-cu-later?
Heisenberg was wrong. I'm certain about what you're doing tonight.
You are photon quanta to my valence electron because you excite me to a higher energy level.
Baby you could even make the Cold War hot!
I hear you don’t like fractions. So will you let me be your other half?
Hi, I’m a T-cell, and I’m here to protect you from everything.
Are you Google? Because you have everything I’m searching for.
If there was no gravity on this planet, I would still fall for you.
Are you good at math? Can you help me solve for x? X = your number.
You are the HCl to my NaOH. With our sweet love, we could make an ocean together.
I think you might be a star because I can’t stop orbiting around you.