Art Puns

Have a colorful time with these punny art puns.

Art Puns

The ghost scared all the boys who ventured into the haunted house and then varnished into the almirah!
A mixture of black, white, and red usually refers to a panda who has experienced severe sunburn!
A bear's least favorite pastry at any party is the blue bear-y pie.
My Asian neighbor owns a T-shirt company where he colors white shirts. I think it's a Thai Dye T-shirt company.
What did one paint say to another when they got in an argument? Don't use that tone with me.
Why did the penguin enter the theatre?
He wanted to go into snow business
They say that the cardio system is the work of artery, but it is really just vein.
Why did the Lord of the Rings author get kicked out of the movie theatre.
He was Tolkien all the way through.
Theatre - the one place it doesn't pay to read between the line.
It may just be a stage I'm going through, but I sure do love the trapdoors on set.
I was under the blues, so I had to blue my nose occasionally.
Where will you find an FBI sketch artist? In the bureau drawer.
Coming to theaters: the thrilling tale of a man who ate biographical books instead of turkey on Thanksgiving.
Baste on a true story.
Why was the painter upset when his doctor bought all of his paintings? The doctor thought the paintings would go up in value after his death.
Failed my art exam by using the wrong pencil.
It wasn't 2b.
While the blues musician performed his most famous song, balloons of every color were released in the arena. Guess we may get to call it the 'House of Hues'.
I knew a guy who gave away his art but he only seemed to paint ducks with incomplete faces.
I asked about it once and he said "I like to bill them later."
When I broke my brother's favorite toy, he turned absolutely red in anger.
What does an artist call his sketch pad? A house.
I was watching a movie when the screen started to emit blue light. Guess this is one of the cons of watching movies on Blue Ray.
When you meet someone, you don't want to get off to a bad art!
Red wasn't feeling very well for the past few weeks. He has been diagnosed with scarlet fever.
Blue and orange are always polite and amicable with each other because they are complementary colors.
A friend has joined a blonds only theatre group. Fair play to him.
What's red and smells like blue paint? Red paint.
What did the painter say to the wall? Another crack like that and I'll have to plaster you!
I tried to come up with a funny theatre joke, but it was all just an act.
What do you call a painting by a cat of herself? A self paw-trait.
My friend can't afford expensive art, she has no Monet.
Theater sound guys aren't always good speakers
I recently ran a charity marathon to promote greener earth, but the run left me a little jaded.
Did you hear about the color bomb?
Yeah it blue up.
As the incessant rain washed away the blue paint of the house, the owner sighed and said, "Cyanara!"
I was sick, and my whole body turned colorful. The doctor took a look and said that I had a color infection, which is caused by the Crayola virus.s
What killed the painter? He had too many strokes.
Today, we had to create a new hang position for some lighting fixtures. After all day trying, we couldn't get the new batten hung properly.

Turns out it was just a pipe dream.
Why did the origami artist win her court case? She was great at doing the paperwork.
Why did the portrait artist take a side job as a census taker? Because he was great at canvassing people.
Why can't a tattoo artist be faithful? Because he always has designs on his clients.
Artists know how to draw the line, so you can't really peer pressure them.
What did the angry artist say? Don't get me arted!
What's green and sings? Elvis Parsley.
The artist painted himself into a corner, leading to his death.
Military submarines are a deep navy blue in color.
Why did Van Gogh become a painter? Because he just didn't have an ear for music.
Why did the girl decide to become an art dealer? Because she wanted more Monet.
I just got fired from my theatre job. I guess I should've made a bigger scene about it.
My friend told me he had to leave the play after Act l. Knowing he'd waited forever to see it, I asked him why. He said the program stated that Act ll was two years later, and he refused to wait that long.
Opening a new shadow puppet theatre. Business plan says we'll make a fortune, but those are just projected figures.
Our backstage manager is leaving at the end of the year. He has been an outstanding member of our theatre team.
Props to him.