Haring Jokes

Pray For Me, Father Following the events of the previous week, Larry knew he was going to have a very big problem with his hearing, so he decides to go to the revival meeting to see if the preacher there could give him a hand with it. When he arrives, Larry sits down quietly and waits until the preacher asks the congregation if anyone needs his assistance through prayer. The old man raises his hand, and the preacher motions for him to come over and queue up with the other people who are in need of some divine assistance. He patiently waits his turn, until he’s up next. The preacher asks him: "Larry, what do you want me to pray about for you?" "Preacher, I need you to pray for my hearing.” he replies. The preacher puts one finger in Larry's ear and places his other hand on top of Larry's head. He prays for what seems like an eternity, totally committed to ensuring Larry doesn’t have any further problems with his hearing. After he prayed for him sufficiently, the preacher removed his hands, stood back and asked Larry: "Larry, how is your hearing now?" "I don't know, Reverend, it's not until next Wednesday."
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