Holiday Pick Up Lines

Get in the holiday spirit with these pick up lines

Holiday Pick Up Lines

I'm a man without a country. Can I be a citizen of you?
You're a good egg.
Why’d you dress up as a princess, when you could have simply come in plain clothes as the most beautiful girl at the Halloween party?
You’re the gravy to my turkey.
Thanksgiving is over… Want to watch Christmas movies and chill?
I can’t find a costume for Halloween, so can I just go as your boyfriend?
Your mausoleum or mine?
You must be tired, because you’ve been running through my nightmares all night!
Mmm baby! You’re decomposing in ALL the right places!
I can give you something to really be thankful about!
I didn’t know that my favorite Halloween treat came in life size!
I came here looking for a little tail.
Ooh, you look boo-tilicious!
Arrrr. Wanna search me for buried treasure?
Are you cold? You look like you could use some hot chocolate… Well, here I am!
You’re the pumpkin pie of my eye.
I'm on a hunt - for your number.
I've got some wicked feelings brewing for you.
I'm just like an Easter bunny - sweet, but hollow on the inside.
I'm arresting you for breaking the 8th amendment because you...are excessively fine!
Of course I like long walks by the moonlight.
You're not just some bunny... you're my bunny.
You're such a treat that I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.
If you think I’m hot now, wait until you see what I turn into at midnight.
So, what do you turn into at midnight?
On a scale of one to America, how free are you tonight?
"The pursuit of happiness" means it's cool to hit on you, right?
I know Benjamin Franklin.
You’re what I’m most thankful for this year.
Hey girl, if you were a turkey you'd only need minimal basting because you're already so juicy.
Are you the 4th of July? 'Cause I'm feeling fireworks between us.
I’m a handsome prince and my sword is no trick.
The only thing sweeter than pumpkin pie is you, baby!
Your treat or mine?
May I ride your broomstick? I lost mine.
I'm glad there's freedom of religion because I worship you.
Yo girl are you the 29th state added to America?
Because Iowanna be with anybody else
Wow, You must be the pretty princess the evil queen is trying to get rid of.
I checked the meat thermometer, and you’re officially one hot bird.
Tricks aren’t really my thing. But you’re sure a treat.
They can prohibit my alcohol, you intoxicate me enough.
Hey, Are you made of candy? Because you look sooo sweet!
Want to break the wishbone? I’m wishing for a date with you.
Sir William Howe... are you doing?
Do you know what I did last night? I put Easter eggs in a heart shape for you to find!
Are you teh Easter Bunny? Because you’ve spent the entire day hopping around in my head.
Hello Boo-tiful.
I just went to a fireworks shop and asked for their biggest bomb. They gave me a picture of you
Got plans for leftovers, yet?
I'd start a revolution for your number.