Halloween Pick Up Lines

Get that spooky witch you've been eyeing all evening with these pick up lines

Halloween Pick Up Lines

Your mausoleum or mine?
Hello Boo-tiful.
If you were a jack-o'-lantern, I'd totally light your candle.
If you think I’m hot now, wait until you see what I turn into at midnight.
No costume? Oh you lucky girl, you don’t need Halloween. You look like an angel every day.
What's a nice ghoul like you doing in a crypt like this?
Halloween is the night of darkness. But you are brighter than an angel.
Arrrr. Wanna search me for buried treasure?
So, what do you turn into at midnight?
Hey baby, you’ve captured my eye. Could I have it back?
Pardon me for drooling, but without my jaw, I can't help myself.
You must be tired, because you’ve been running through my nightmares all night!
Wow, You must be the pretty princess the evil queen is trying to get rid of.
I hear this house is haunted… we better stick together.
Are you a ghost? Because you’ve been haunting my dreams.
I’m a handsome prince and my sword is no trick.
Hey pumpkin – I bet I can put a smile on your face.
I've got some wicked feelings brewing for you.
Nurse, can I have a little sugar to help the medicine go down?
Why’d you dress up as a princess, when you could have simply come in plain clothes as the most beautiful girl at the Halloween party?
I didn’t know that my favorite Halloween treat came in life size!
I like your wart, want to see a few of mine?
That skeleton over there wanted to ask you for your number, but, unlike me, he didn’t have the guts
Of course I like long walks by the moonlight.
I don’t want your candy, what I really want is your number.
Mmm baby! You’re decomposing in ALL the right places!
Tricks aren’t really my thing. But you’re sure a treat.
I don’t know what the trick is, but you certainly are a treat.
Hey Cinderella, must be time I took you home. It’s nearly midnight!
Your treat or mine?
Til death do us part and then some, dear.
Ooh, you look boo-tilicious!
I can’t find a costume for Halloween, so can I just go as your boyfriend?
I want to ask you out, but I’ve got butterflies in my stomach. And worms. And maggots…
You're such a treat that I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.
Are you being a ghost for Halloween, or are you just my boo?
I heard there is a vampire on the loose, you better stay with me.
May I ride your broomstick? I lost mine.
That’s a nice Witch costume, but you won’t be needing the broom anymore, because you’ve already swept me off my feet.
Hey, Are you made of candy? Because you look sooo sweet!