Sports Pick Up Lines

Flirting at the gym? Guilty as charged!

Sports Pick Up Lines

Angels could fly, but I didn't know they could run.
I'm doing yoga tonight but I rather be doing you.
Driftin with an attractor like you, baby, is always 'drag free'.
I'm not a professional referee, but please can I have your name and number?
You'd make for some real smooth sailing
Want to become my new personal best?
Are you a brand new racing suit? Because you make me forget how to breathe.
Can you teach me how to use this machine?
Hey there cyclist, want to go on a morning ride?
If you date me, you'll eventually see a diamond.
I'd like to practice some of my penalty kicks with you.
I think I glove you.
Hey girl, do you ref during the playoffs? Cause you look like you can swallow a whistle.
The pool water isn’t very hot but you sure are.
Are you the World Cup? ‘Cause I get excited just waiting for you.
I'll be kicking myself if I don't get to know you better.
Do you like yoga? Because yoganna love what I can offer you.
I'd buy a tandem bike just to ride with you.
Are you in the on deck circle? Çause you're up next.
I bet you’re really flexible.
What do you say you poke-check me real quick?
Baby, are you a lane rope? Because I want to lay on you all day long.
Can you feel that universal energy flowing from me to you?
You heard right: I only take off this mask for two things. Eating.
Honey, you’re a slam dunk!
Are you a can of bear spray? ‘Cause you really spice things up around here.
You have been running through my mind all day.
I'd let you Chataranga over me any day!
Be a winner, date a swimmer!
Your pace or mine?
You look good on your yoga mat.
Are you accepting applications for your fan club? I'd love to join.
I’ve never seen a sleeker frame.
Hold up, I don't want to fall for anyone else but you, so let me tie my shoes now.
I'd love to go up and down with you, fancy a hill rep session?
Is your tent erect yet or do you need help with that?
I'm a good basketball handler, what about you?
Hey, are you a bear cub? Because you’re un-bear-ably adorable.
I can keep increasing the resistance on my bike, but I just can't resist you.
That elliptical isn't the only thing getting my heart rate up…
Angel, I want to run all the way with you.
I bet you play soccer because you're a keeper.
I’m like the smell of chlorine – I’ll never leave you.
I think you just tripped me, 'cause I just fell for you.
Are your legs tired from spinning, or because you've been running through my mind all day?
My heart rate’s always higher when I hike with you.
Hey girl, you make my heart flutter kick.
Girl, you give me the butterflies.
Life is better when we stick together.
Want to be workout buddies?