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7 Perfect Ways You Can Upgrade Your Home During Fall

Fall is the season to relax with a pumpkin spice-flavored drink, savor the natural greenery, and enjoy the nip in the air. It isn’t the season where we generally think of upgrading our home. However, with winter just a few weeks away, it is the ideal time to make a note of the home improvement projects you had put off during the summer heat. Tackling them now will help keep your home in better stead for the approaching chillier months.
This is the perfect time to take up these tasks as the weather will be pleasant and your energy will certainly be high. To help you get a better idea of where to start, we have prepared a list of few important home projects you should consider taking this fall to help make your place ready for the winter months. These are simple and inexpensive tips that you can easily undertake yourself. Read on to find out the to-do list that every homeowner should check off before the winter months begin. 

1. Add a fresh coat of paint to your front door

Fall Upgrades, paint, door,
A freshly painted door could go a long way in enhancing the appeal of your curb. Now, fall is the best time to give your front door a fresh coat of paint. After all, the weather is still warm without being too humid and hasn’t turned ice and wet. Moreover, because of the milder fall temperatures, you will be able to keep your windows open to get rid of the fumes from the paint quickly. Giving your entryway a brand new look will help your home stand out from the block.
We recommend hiring a professional for this painting project. It should ideally be finished in less than an afternoon and you will be assured of a smooth and drip-free finish on your door. 

2. Insulate your home

Fall Upgrades, Insulate
Without proper insulation protecting the connective areas of your home from the outside chill during the winter season, you are likely to suffer from higher energy bills and an overworked furnace. Thus, one of the best home improvement tips you can make this fall would be to spend a little money on insulating your home. Insulating your home in the fall to seal in the heat will actually help you and your family save money during winter as you won’t be spending extra on electric bills. Most importantly, though, installing insulation keeps your home safe from the freezing temperatures in winter. 
If you’re not sure how to get started with this process, we recommend hiring a professional. You can also consult with someone who has professional experience in the industry.

3. Check your roof

Fall Upgrades, Check roof
A sound roof will help ensure that the home stays warm and dry during winter. Thus, you must give it a thorough inspection during the fall. Often, the summer’s sun exposure or the stormy spring season can cause the roof and siding materials to warp or chip. Check to see if there are any cracks on the roof if it has sprung any leaks during the past year. Even a small issue with the roof shouldn’t be ignored as it may become a nuisance in the winter and you won’t be able to tend to it properly out in the open, with chilly winds making things difficult.
Get a professional to take a look at your roof even if you don’t suspect any issues with it. Also, remember that repairing your roof during autumn will also make sure that your home will be better insulated during winter.

4. Clean the gutters

Fall Upgrades, gutters
Your gutters will likely be overloaded with fall leaves by the time winter begins. While it may not be the most pleasant job to do, it is quite necessary. A clogged gutter can lead to water damage to your roof and exterior of your home while also posing a risk of flooding your basement. Take some time to check your home’s gutters for dead leaves and other potential damages and have them cleaned out to let the water drain properly. This shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes or an hour but will ensure that the foundation of your home will remain safe and you will have proper water drainage during the winter. 

5. Sweep the chimney and inspect your heating system 

Fall Upgrades, heating system 
If you are planning to use the fireplace during the winter, then now would be a good time to have your chimney inspected. It should be clean and in perfect condition. A blockage can cause a fire or other hazards suddenly and can lead to a bigger headache later on. 
If you would be using the heating system instead, you should get it checked by a professional. Improperly functioning heating systems are one of the most common hazards in most homes during winter. Thus, get it serviced right before the season begins so that it runs smoothly throughout those weeks and doesn’t break down when you are in desperate need of it.

6. Give your windows a thorough check-up

Fall Upgrades, windows
You’d be surprised to know how a simple heat leakage from your windows can have a significant impact on your energy bills during the winter seasons as the chilly winds seep in and make life uncomfortable for you. Before the cold weather kicks in, it is essential to check on your home's windows during fall.
Firstly, make sure the locks are functioning properly and the windows are attached to their frames, with no gaps or cracks. Then, check the sides of your window sash and see if the stripping is intact. Windows should be sealed properly with weather stripping or caulking to keep nasty weather out and the heat in. A damaged or poorly insulated window can cause your utility bills to shoot sky-high during winter as you lose heat to the outdoors. Get your windows repaired in time to have a stress-free winter season.

7. Add mulch to your yard

Fall Upgrades, mulch
If you have a yard or a little garden, then now would be a good time to spread one more layer of mulch on it to protect your perennials until spring. Mulch, as you might know, keeps the soil warm and moist apart from blocking weeds and making your garden look nice. By putting mulch down on your yard during autumn, you will help stabilize the temperature of the soil right around freezing. It will also protect the base and roots of your perennial plants from snow and ice, ensuring they come up healthy and whole during winter. 
Pine bark or wood chips are generally considered the best mulches as they enrich the soil as they degrade. A layer of mulch about 4 to 6 inches deep over the plants should ideally work well. This isn’t a time-consuming job either and shouldn’t take more than a day. For additional help, you can check out our post on gardening tips during winter.
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